As most of you may already know, this year Craft Victoria turns 40 and later this year, we'll be exhibiting an online gallery of images spanning across the past 4 decades.
To jig the ol' memory, click here to read more about Craft Victoria's grand history as written by Grace Cochrane.
To jig the ol' memory, click here to read more about Craft Victoria's grand history as written by Grace Cochrane.

So maybe your mum, or your dad, or even you might have had something to do with Craft Victoria back in the good old days... we'd love to see if they've kept any photos documenting this! Please send through all images to Joe Pascoe: jpascoe @ craftvic.asn.au (don't forget to remove the spaces)
Thank you everyone, and we hope you can contribute towards Craft Victoria's rich history!

Possible Craft Happening event
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