Thursday 25 August 2011

Craft and Design as a Career: tomorrow!

Work by Kate Rohde. Image courtesy of Karen Woodbury Gallery.

Part 2 of our Craft and Design as a Career seminar series is on TOMORROW! (That's Friday 26 August)

Following on from Craft and Design as a Career Part 1 which took place two weeks ago, tomorrow's seminar looks at 'what's next' in the wild and magical world of craft and design. Listen and learn from various Amazing People™ like Ewan McEoin of Studio Propeller, Emily Wright of nancybird, glass artist Philip Stokes, artist Kate Rohde, retail genius Justine Ellis from Michi Girl, Janenne Willis of Undercurrent, web genius Jeremy Smart of The Richmond Social and artist/superstar blogger Dawn Tan.

It's a pretty star-studded line up if we do say ourselves, and some of the topics that these Amazing People™ will be covering include: producing for an international market, handling international commissions, collaborating with a fashion label and marketing yourself.

We still have a few spots available, so click here if you'd like to make a booking.

You can also call us on 9650 7775 if you'd like to book in person. Tickets are $40 (Craft Vic & Museum Vic members) and $80 for everyone else. The seminar runs from 9.30am to 3.30pm and is held at Museum Victoria.

For more information about tomorrow's seminar, please click here.


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