Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Machine

Terry Williams, Not titled (Stereo), 2011, vinyl, cotton, texta and stuffing
Alan Constable, Not titled, 2007-11, ceramic
Christopher O'Brian, Not titled (blue semi trailer), 2008, painted wood

An elegant collision of technology and purity epitomizes The Machine. Alan Constable, Christopher O’Brian and Terry Williams come together to present genuine collections of the objects of our time. The talent of these three artists has
been fostered and endorsed by Arts Project Australia, an organization focusing on supporting artists with intellectual disabilities. Alan, Christopher and Terry have worked with Arts Project Australia for more than 13 years each. Each body
of work that they have created engages, forcing the viewer to evaluate their own perceptions of the objects of their realities.
The show is raw and inspiring beyond words. The exhibition runs until the 26 November at Craft Victoria.

1 comment:

Dina said...

very cool