Thursday 29 January 2009

Craft Hatch in January

We had our third craft hatch market on Saturday 24 Jan, and once again talent filled the City Library gallery and seminar rooms. With some help from an article in The Age lift out A2, we were bombarded with Melbournians and Visitors looking to find some craft treasures. If you missed out this time, the next one is on February 14th.

Amina McPhee & Rhiannon Smith.
Beautiful feminine jewellery by Amina McPhee.

Everyone loves a fringe! Jewellery by Rhiannon Smith.

Lovely bags by Christiane Poulos.

Contempory furniture by Damien Hipwell & Jacqueline Cuijpers of Studio Hip.

Cross your heart pin cushions by Tara Badcock.

Tara Badcock.

Ta-wit ta-woo! Stunning owl toys by CatRabbit.

Must have craft by CatRabbit.

Beautiful textiles by Nin Coutts-Slater.

Ribbon brooches by Nin Coutts-Slater.

Pretty tea-cup candles by Cate Lawrence.

Badges for all occasions by Cate Lawrence.

Cate Lawrence.

Victoria Purves & Naoko Inuzuka.

Dont forget, market go-ers! There are two rooms filled with craft joy so make sure you ask for directions to the seminar room.

1 comment:

Beck said...

is it just me or do those candle teacups bear a striking reseblance to the ones made by Penelope Durstan last year??