Tuesday 23 September 2008

Urban Ephemeral Room

Using footage of Flinders Lane in the afternoon, Urban Ephemeral Room literally takes the outside and re-locates it in the inside. The projection at the end of the gallery is of a portion of Flinders Lane just after Exhibition Street, while the four projections along the sides of the space are of the back lanes in the vicinity of CVHQ. Sound is present in this installation, and all day long yours truly has been subject to the sounds of the city - cars rolling by (sometimes not under the speed limit...hmm), ladies sharing a giggle, motorcycles whizzing past...

It must be said though that yours truly did think it was real-time footage initially and even hopped out of the comforts of CVHQ, stood opposite the presumed camera location and took a photo to test this theory. Do you see the camera anywhere in sight?

No? That's because it was never there! It had all been recorded days before. Grrr...

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